Monument record MCC8502 - Colchester - Maidenburgh Street and Sir Williams Walk


Residential development (part of Dutch Quarter phase 3); the trenches dug for new houses revealed 5 pieces of archaeological information.


Grid reference TL 9975 2531 (point)
Map sheet TL92NE


100 m
100 m

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Type and Period (6)

Full Description

Residential development (part of Dutch Quarter phase 3); the trenches dug for new houses revealed 5 pieces of archaeological information. 1: an E-W Roman foundation close to the pavement (the top 40cm below the pavement). To the S were some Roman tiles lying longitudinally. The foundation is more llikely to have been a house than a public building but this is not certain. 2: A stanchion hole NW of the above was cut through a sequence of well preserved Roman layers. These appeared to be badly damaged opus signinum floor overlying a layer of demolished daub walls. The latter overlay a shallow lens of ?redeposited Boudiccan debris. No floors were detected below the latter. 3 and 4: street metalling SW of 1. 5: Part of a plain red tessellated pavement revealed in the N foundation for a new house on the S side of the junction of Maidenburgh Street and George Street. Workmen found human bones above the surviving part of the pavement - possibly post Roman. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> DESC TEXT: Crummy, P. 1992. Colchester Archaeological Report 6. Excavations at Culver Street, Gilberd School and other sites in Colchester. pg 367-8.

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Record last edited

Nov 3 2015 11:41AM

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