Monument record MCC7906 - Colchester - Long Wyre Street, 2 (Insula 29, 30, 37, 38A)


The site is on the cross roads between Insulae 29, 30, 37 and 38A of the colonia.


Grid reference TL 998 250 (point)
Map sheet TL92NE


100 m
100 m

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Type and Period (9)

Full Description

The site is on the cross roads between Insulae 29, 30, 37 and 38A of the colonia. Three phases of building were found in the NW corner of Insula 38A, the latest reflecting a C4 change in the street alignment. In the NE corner of Insula 37, late Roman timber-framed buildings sealed a masonry structure. A previously unsuspected street ran S from the cross roads. <1> <3> In 1979, 6 Roman periods were provisionally identified on the site, the earliest being the disturbed clay revetted rampart of the fortress annexe. The rampart was partly demolished, perhaps c.49 and a timber drain and water main laid across the site, presumably to serve the area of the Temple of Claudius. An E-W street and a street running N from it were probably laid out then. After 60-61 a street running S was built and clay walled buildings on stone and mortar plinths were built on either side of it. The house in the SE angle of the cross roads was replaced (presumably the one at the NW corner of Insula 38A) and later houses with stone footings and tessellated floors were built in the southern corners of the cross roads. At least one period of reconstruction may have resulted from the realignment of the street leading E to permit the enlargement of the public building in Insula 30. A large timber-framed building was erected after the demolition of the house in the SW angle of the cross roads (porbably the NE angle of Insula 37). <2> <3> Finds in Colchester Museum. <4>

Sources/Archives (4)

  • <1> DESC TEXT: Smith, N in Eddy, MR. 1979. Excavations in Essex, 1978. Vol 11, p102.
  • <2> DESC TEXT: Smith, N in Eddy, MR. 1980. Excavations in Essex, 1979. Vol 12, p41.
  • <3> DESC TEXT: Priddy, DA. unknown. SMR.
  • <4> Artifact: Colchester Museum. unknown. ARTEFACT Col Mus.

Finds (0)

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Record last edited

Nov 3 2015 11:41AM

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