Monument record MCC7841 - St Martin's Church, Colchester


Rodwell suggests this is an Anglo-Saxon church on the grounds of its dedication, situation, orientation and plan, and possibly quite a substantial one.


Grid reference TL 9960 2533 (point)
Map sheet TL92NE


Type and Period (2)

Full Description

Rodwell suggests this is an Anglo-Saxon church on the grounds of its dedication, situation, orientation and plan, and possibly quite a substantial one. The present chancel may be a partial rebuild and extension of a former stilted apse - evidence for the latter in the slight curve in the plan of the S wall. Construction of an open drain on the S side of the church in the C19 revealed a foundation offset capped by two courses of Roman brick, a feature in this district often characteristic of Anglo-Saxon building construction. This has been extensively tampered with during past restoration. Anglo-Saxon burials reportedly found in the churchyard but details are lacking. <1>

Site Assessment = Potential archaeological importance "cannot be overemphasised, both in respect of its above and below ground evidence". Walls may contain structural sequence of fabrics extending back at least to the late Anglo- Saxon period, and possibly much further. Should threat arise excavation of interior and graveyard are of the first importance. Small scale disturbance should be visited. <1>

Timber core samples taken from the nave roof tie beam (1357-62) and Chancel roof (1351-89) in 1997 <2>

Sources/Archives (2)

  • <1> Monograph: Rodwell, Warwick J with Rodwell, KA. 1977. Historic Churches - A Wasting Asset. pp29-30.
  • <2> LIST: Tyers, Ian. 1997. Dendro core samples database.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (2)

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Record last edited

Nov 3 2015 11:41AM

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