Monument record MCC7807 - Greyfriars Monastery (site of)


Franciscan house founded before 1237.


Grid reference TM 0009 2535 (point)
Map sheet TM02NW


100 m
100 m

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Type and Period (2)

Full Description

Franciscan house founded before 1237. A new church was built in 1309 and was demolished in 1538. Gatehouse is c.1600 (see ). <1> The monastery was sited within the NE corner of the town walls, by the East gate and almost opposite St James' Church. Site is now a vegetable garden of the Girls High School. <2> <3> <4> Only evidence for the house is a short length of drain. <5>

Evaluation trench in the car park revealed only modern and/or postmedieval deposits down to a depth of 1.5m. Natural ground was not reached and it is suspected that medieval and Roman deposits lie at a further depth. <6>

A Watching brief carried out, also in the car park in January-February 2004, did reveal natural ground, but did not disrupt any features of archaeological interest <8>

A Watching brief carried out in January-March 2006 on small scale building works to the rear of the college exposed post medieval an modern remains, but nothing of archaeological significance.<9>

Sources/Archives (9)

  • <1> DESC TEXT: Priddy, DA. unknown. SMR.
  • <2> RECORD SHEET/FORM: Ordnance Survey. unknown. OS cards. TL92NE3.18, 1950.
  • <3> DESC TEXT: Knowles, D and Hadcock, RN. 1971. Medieval Religious Houses. p222, 224.
  • <4> DESC TEXT: Morant, P. 1768. History of Essex. Vol 1, pp151-157.
  • <5> Monograph: Rodwell, Warwick J with Rodwell, KA. 1977. Historic Churches - A Wasting Asset. p37.
  • <6> Evaluation Report: Orr, Kate. 2003. An archaeological evaluation in the car park of Greyfriars Community College, Castle Road, Colchester, Essex. January 2003.
  • <7> DESC TEXT: Brooks, H. 2005. A desk-based assessment of the archaeological remains around the Central Clinic, East Lodge Court, High Street, Colchester. June 2005.
  • <8> Watching Brief Report: Orr, Kate. 2004. An Archaeological Watching Brief in the car park of Grey Friars Adult Community College, Colchester, Essex.
  • <9> Watching Brief Report: Brooks, H and Clarke, W. 2006. An Archaeological Watching brief at Greyfriars Community College, East Hill, Colchester, Essex.

Finds (8)

Protected Status/Designation

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Record last edited

Nov 3 2015 11:41AM

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