Monument record MCC7491 - Sheepen - cemetery
Grid reference | TL 985 256 (point) |
Map sheet | TL92NE |
Type and Period (5)
Full Description
A late C4 inhumation cemetery on the east side of the excavated site. <1> During the 1970 excavations 14 inhumation graves were found, forming a previously unsuspected late Roman cemetery, of the C3-C4. Subsequent contractors excavation in 1971 produced five pre-Flavian cremation groups. These were not recovered under very good conditions but there was some indication that the 5 groups may have lain within an enclosure delimited by a ditch or possibly even a robbed out wall. The samian found with the groups suggests a Neronian date for the cremations which are chiefly remarkable for the wealth of the grave goods, notably glass and a fine wood and leather burial casket embellished with brass studs, an ornamental lock plate and decorative brass rings with paste beads. The grave goods include a jar, butt beakers, flask, Gallo-Belgic cup, Samian cups, a glass dish and pieces of a flagon in blue green glass. The graves produced a few late Roman grave goods; in most cases the skeletons had not survived. <2>
Sources/Archives (2)
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Protected Status/Designation
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Related Events/Activities (1)
Record last edited
Nov 3 2015 11:41AM