Monument record MCC690 - Building 20, Lion Walk, Colchester


Roman courtyard house with central yard (CAT Building 20).


Grid reference TL 9966 2510 (point)
Map sheet TL92NE


100 m
100 m

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Type and Period (9)

Full Description

Courtyard house with a central yard (the yard maintaining its position from earlier structures CAT Buildings 8 and 16). The building was of two phases, the second being marked by the introduction of mortared foundations, the laying of tessellated pavements in many rooms, and the amalgamation of rooms 5 & 6 into one. The stumps of internal walls survived in situ often with plaster still adhering. They seem to have been solid daub without any timber-framing although it is not possible to be certain.

Four rooms along the street frontage were examined; two of these were workshops whilst the other two rooms were of better quality. The yard itself contained a number of votive deposits, firstly in the form of small pits filled with charcoal-rich soil and then later small pots buried upright. The house had clearly been demolished and not left to decay.

The latest floors were covered with a layer of daub and crushed wall plaster left after the demolition of the building. The debris contained several coins of late 3rd century date and thus is consistent with the evidence from the occupation on the floors where there was nothing after c.275. The building is taken to have been demolished c.300 although in total the evidence was limited. Along the west side of the yard was a timber-lined drain. Pits in Rooms 2 & 3 seem to have been used as a lavatory. Two hearths from different phases were recorded in Room 2, along with a storage jar set upright in a pit. A burnt patch in room 3 may also have been a hearth. A hearth was also located in Room 7. Room 9 contained an oven. Many of the rooms had tessellated pavements. A timber lined drain (JF180) lay along the south edge of the street.<1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Monograph: Crummy, Philip. 1981. CAR 3: Excavations at Lion Walk, Balkerne Lane and Middleborough, Colchester, Essex. 3. pp.63-66.

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Record last edited

Oct 14 2016 1:55PM

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