Monument record MCC4846 - Culver Street, Colchester - Roman features


Large scale excavations undertaken prior to construction of shopping precinct during 1981-2 and 1984-5.


Grid reference TL 9949 2505 (point)
Map sheet TL92NE


100 m
100 m

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Type and Period (3)

Full Description

Large scale excavations undertaken prior to construction of shopping precinct during 1981-2 and 1984-5. Structures recorded include C1 military barracks. Civilian occupation began in the mid C1l Several of the rooms were heated, remains of hypocausts were recorded and several had mosaic floors. The site was occupied into the C4. For a full description of recorded features and finds see <1>. Notable finds included: penannular brooches, bone pins, intaglios; bone and copper alloy finger rings; architectural stone fragments and numerous military belt fittings. <1> (See also PRNs 13067, 13069, 13070, 17349-51)
The archaeological implications of the proposed Culver Precinct at Colchester an assesment.<2>

Sources/Archives (2)

  • <1> DESC TEXT: Crummy, P. 1992. Colchester Archaeological Report 6. Excavations at Culver Street, Gilberd School and other sites in Colchester. Pg: 21-126.
  • < 2> DESC TEXT: Crummy, P. 1980. The archaeological implications of the proposed Culver Precinct at Colchester an assesment..

Finds (7)

Protected Status/Designation

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Record last edited

Nov 3 2015 11:41AM

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