Building record MCC4591 - Crepping Hall, Crepping Hall Road, Wakes Colne


Early 14th century timber-framed aisled hall house of manorial status, within a moated enclosure (MCC7050). Two-bay hall and cross-passage. The central truss of the hall is formed by a pair of base crucks (which lack arcade braces). The building has spere posts that are octagonal with moulded capitals. Crown post roof. Tree-ring dated to AD 1301-1337.


Grid reference Centred TL 9089 2844 (19m by 28m)
Map sheet TL92NW
County ESSEX


100 m
100 m

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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Early 14th century, originally an open hall with aisles of which two and a half bays remain with many additions. Timber-framed and plastered. It has both a sprere truss and a crown-post roof. The spere posts are octagonal with moulded capitals. The central truss of the hall is formed by a pair of base crucks which lack arcade braces. The hall range has three hornless, south-pane sashes on the first storey and one similar with margin sashes central to ground storey, with sashes to left and right. Front door in return of crosswing to west, with broken dentilled pediment on consoles. Roofs all pegtiled and ridged and gabled except for crosswing which has been converted to hip roof. A crosswing was added at the west end which has evidence for an original attic floor with haunched tenons. Both hall and crosswing have crown post roofs, the former straight side braced, the latter curved edge-braced. The hall roof is heavily sooted. Hall tie beam steeply cambered, first floor an Elizabethan intrusion. On the ground floor one arched ('durn') doorway.<1>-<4>

1 slide of detailed isomteric drawing of timber framing (hall and aisle).<2>

Crepping Hall has been tree-ring dated to AD 1301-37. see (Tables of Tree-Ring Dated Buildings in England and Wales)

Sources/Archives (4)

  • <1> DESC TEXT: Department of the Environment. 1982. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest: Colchester Rural.
  • <2> Photograph: Andrews, D. 2003. Crepping Hall. Slide.
  • <3> Photograph: unknown. 1970-1993 c.. ECC Historic Buildings Photo Print Archive. 16 frames, .
  • <4> Article in serial: Stenning, D.F.. 2003. Small Aisled Halls in Essex. Vernacular Architecture, 34:1, 1-19. p.12 & Fig. 18.

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Record last edited

Jun 28 2018 9:25AM

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