Element Group record MCC2846 - Flagstone floor, Greyfriars


William Wire's journal records a floor of flagstones which may be related to the monastery buildings.


Grid reference TM 00061 25489 (point)
Map sheet TM02NW
County ESSEX


100 m
100 m

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Full Description

William Wire records in his journal: ‘At the lower part of the Botanic Garden opposite Lot IX a layer of wood ashes were discovered about thirty inches below the surface which continued ten feet then an intermission of a few feet then a commencement of it for four feet. Some short distance east of it was a floor of flag stones on which a fire had been made this was about six feet square then more to the east and opposite lot VI was at three feet below the surface a floor of three Roman tiles of the usual size continued by a path made with pieces of septaria and good size pebbles this extended the whole width of the trench dug for sewerage pipes – about three feet wide – how far it extended under ground on each side could not be ascertained as no more ground was removed than absolutely necessary for drainage purposes.’

Also: 'Purchased three pieces of stone – part of a capital – Mullion and window head found in Botanic garden. These probably are the remains of Grey Friars Monastery as that building was in the garden.'<1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> DIARY: Wire, William. 1842-1857. Journal of William Wire. 18/06/1852, 11/09/1852.

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Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

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Record last edited

Aug 1 2007 10:53AM

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