Monument record MCC237 - Medieval Building (CAT Building 29), Lion Walk, Colchester


Medieval and later house (CAT Building 29) on the corner of Lion Walk and Culver Street, recorded during excavations in 1971.


Grid reference Centred TL 99677 25140 (15m by 7m)
Map sheet TL92NE


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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

In 1971 part of this house was excavated during the extensive archaeological investigations preceding the construction of Lion Walk shopping precinct.<1>

The building was shown to be medieval in origin, although the phasing of the house was difficult. It was situated to the north/west of CAT building 28. The occupation on this site was divided into three phases but it was not clear if these were of one building altered twice or separate structures. Phase 1 dated to 12th/13th-17th/17th centuries, Phase 2 16th/17th-c.1650/1700, Phase 3 c.1650/1700-1971. The earliest floor of phase 1 was of gravel and sealed 13th century pottery. This was cut by stake-holes but there were no traces of walls. The gravel floor was then replaced by one of daub. In Phase 2 many large square posts were erected and the building was clearly altered very extensively. Predominantly, the posts seem to have been 17th century in date but several were later replaced and the plan was difficult to interpret in terms of rooms. In phase 3, a brick floor was laid to form a north-south passage. Earlier in the 20th century, part of the building was used as a paint shop.<1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Monograph: Crummy, Philip. 1981. CAR 3: Excavations at Lion Walk, Balkerne Lane and Middleborough, Colchester, Essex. 3. p.82 & Fig. 59.

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Record last edited

Oct 20 2016 1:59PM

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