Element record MCC2118 - Roman drain, Castle Park, Colchester


Roman drain in Castle Park, exposed near west gate of park, recorded in 1892.


Grid reference Centred TL 99819 25375 (55m by 7m)
Map sheet TL92NE
County ESSEX


100 m
100 m

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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Roman drain in Castle Park, partially exposed near west entrance to park.<1><2>

In 1892, during the making of the new Castle Park, a vaulted drain was recorded by Laver, c.20in. wide and 2ft. 5in. high, built of tiles and septaria and lined throughout with Roman mortar. He comments, 'It runs under both (Roman Precinct) walls, curving away to the north as if to cross under the Roman street and take up a line along the west side of it. It has been cut by the Norman ditch, and its remains can now be seen in the Park shrubbery. It has also been traced for some 120ft. eastwards, within the court, where it runs parallel to and south of the inner wall at an interval of 20ft. The exposed portion shows that it is just over 2ft. wide, with 2ft. high walls of six courses of septaria. The floor and vault, which is remarkably flat, are of tiles. Those in the vault are of mixed sizes, a point not to be expected in an early structure.<2>

Sources/Archives (2)

  • <1> Serial: The Essex Society for Archaeology and History. 1906. Vol. 9 (New Series) Transactions of the Essex Archaeological Society. Vol. IX. p.121.
  • <2> Monograph: Hull, M.R.. 1958. Roman Colchester: Reports of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of London. No. XX. p.179 & Fig. 81.

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Record last edited

Jan 24 2017 11:42AM

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