Monument record MCC1849 - Roman street between Insula 15 and 16, Castle Park, Colchester


Roman street, aligned N to S between Insula 15 and 16, discovered during excavations in Castle Park in 1928/9.


Grid reference Centred TM 00020 25392 (0m by 47m) (2 map features)
Map sheet TM02NW
County ESSEX


100 m
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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

A north-south Roman street between Insulas 15 and 16 (same as MCC1852?), discovered during excavations in 1928/9 (ECC795).
The street was sectioned in two places. At a point north-east of the 'Mithraic Temple' building (MCC1518), a trench revealed that the metalling was 26ft. wide, although only the western 18ft. was well metalled. with 10in. of gravel. The metalling was laid on a thin layer of clay overlying a clayey loam. The west side was bounded by a drain (MCC1515) whilst to the east lay two blocks of septaria (MCC1838), which according to Hull, 'may indicate the position of the boundary wall of Insula 16'. Beyond it was an area of gravel metalling perhaps of a yard or floor. A second trench further to the south revealed two successive banks of gravel metalling laid over a bed of clay with some septaria lumps within it. The metalling reached a total thickness of 2ft. and was 16ft. wide which had been narrowed by a disturbance, possibly a robber trench for a masonry wall, beyond which was a gravel bank.<1>

A geophysical survey was carried in Castle Park out on behalf of Landscape Design Associates in conjunction with Colchester Borough Council. Readings corresponding to Roman street ditches were recorded near the 'Mithraeum'.<1>

Sources/Archives (2)

  • <1> Monograph: Hull, M.R.. 1958. Roman Colchester: Reports of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of London. No. XX. pp.74-75.
  • <2> Evaluation Report: Benfield, Stephen (CAT). 1999. An archaeological evaluation at St Peter's House, St Peter's Street, Colchester, in 1998. 10/98E.

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Record last edited

Dec 12 2016 11:27AM

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