Monument record MCC1558 - Roman road, Beverley Road, Colchester


Roman road, ?aligned southwest to northeast, crossing Colchester to London Road west of main road junction. Poorly understood.


Grid reference Centred TL 9861 2476 (70m by 116m)
Map sheet TL92SE


100 m
100 m

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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Roman Road, crosses Colchester to London Road west of main road junction south west of town. It runs south west- north east and is poorly understood.

A gravel area (possibly a road surface?) was recorded during a watching brief for a pipe trench along Beverley Road.<1>

Excavations by A.F. Hall in the front garden of Gilberd House. Several trenches were dug in an attempt to explore the course of a Roman road. A possible line of the ditch and road was established and several inhumations were recovered.<2><3>

In his diary (17/4/1923), Laver records and sketches a cambered road section which he saw revealed in a trench in the roadway (just east of the centre line) of Beverley Road exactly opposite the front of Gilberd House. Hull records, 'He indicates the width as 23 ft., but claims it to be the
road from the Balkerne Gate. Were it so, since it would cross the street at an angle of 53°, the actual width would only be 18 ft.'<4><2>

Sources/Archives (4)

  • <1> Evaluation Report: Benfield, Stephen (CAT). 1997. AN ARCHAEOLOGICAL EVALUATION AT ELD LANE, COLCHESTER.. 4/97c.
  • <2> Monograph: Hull, M.R.. 1958. Roman Colchester: Reports of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of London. No. XX. p.8.
  • <3> DRAWING - PLAN: Hall, A. F. (Mr)?. 1946. Excavation trenches at Gilberd House.
  • <4> DIARY: Laver, P. G.. 1916-1940. P.G. Laver's Diary. 17/4/1923.

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Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

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Record last edited

Nov 14 2016 2:11PM

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