Site Event/Activity record ECC1234 - Watching Brief at 42-43 Crouch Street, Colchester, 1977


Location 42-43 Crouch Street, Colchester
Grid reference Centred TL 99106 24960 (9m by 1m)
Map sheet TL92SE



Colchester Archaeological Trust Ltd


April 1977


5 km
5 km

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A watching brief was held during the refitting of an existing building for use as a car showroom. "Two stanchion holes were dug to a depth of 10 metres along the street frontage. The holes were dug on the inside edges of two existing piers which supported the north-east and the north-west corners of the existing building. Both trenches were dug into sandy brown loam and revealed fragments of inhumation burials. The burials may have extended under the street frontage and were part of a cemetery which could have belonged to the medieval Crouched Friars or the Roman cemetery excavated in 1971 (ECC381).<1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Monograph: Crummy, Philip. 1992. CAR 6: Excavations at Culver Street, the Gilberd School, and other sites in Colchester 1971-85. 6. p.854.

Related Monuments/Buildings (2)

  • Burial ground of Crouched Friars Friary, Crouch Street, Colchester (Monument)
  • Church of the Crouched or Crutched Friars, Crouch Street, Colchester (Monument)

Record last edited

Feb 11 2016 1:32PM

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