Listed Building: SONGERS (416162)

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Grade I
Volume/Map/Item 986, 4, 16
Date assigned 30 June 1975
Date last amended


BOXTED CAGE LANE 1. 5214 Songers TM 03 SW 4/16 30.6.75 I 2. Possibly circa 1200. Small house with 2 bay formerly open hall. Timber frame exposed in places, hipped roof thatched and with an eyebrow dormer on north and a central red brick chimney stack. Two eyebrow dormers on south and various wooden casement windows, and a storeyed bag at one end. This was extended 2 bays, probably during the C14 and laterally divided through its 3 central bays resulting from the extension, in the late C16. Timber framed throughout with daub infill and plastered. It is at present the only recorded and substantially complete example of its type known in England. The framing was in the first build entirely assembled by open notched lap-joints (38 in number) and the passing-brace on the end-wall relate directly to the earliest frames in Hesse. The plan measures 20 x 23 feet on the ground. Some original unglazed windows survive. The roof is thatched. Some re-used timbers of the first build appear to be Saxon and incorporate lap-joint sockets that have no notches. Listing NGR: TM0072032263

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Grid reference TM 0072 3226 (point)
Map sheet TM03SW
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Record last edited

Nov 6 2019 4:47PM

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