Listed Building: NORMANS FARMHOUSE (421246)

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Grade II*
Volume/Map/Item 986, 1, 7
Date assigned 27 January 1982
Date last amended


In the entry for: WAKES COLNE LANE ROAD 1. 5214 Normans Farmhouse TL 83 SE 1/7 II The grade shall be amended to read: Grade II* (Star). GV added to the entry. The description shall be amended to read: Farmhouse, c.1300 timber framed and plastered with peg tile roofs. Former aisled hall with north aisle now removed and cross wing at east end with jetty exposed and hipped/gabled roof on its front (north) elevation. Main block roof is also hipped with gablet on its west end. C20 lean-to on rear and small stacks and mixture of C19 and C20 casement windows. The central truss of hall was and is without supporting arcade posts. Spere truss with curved square section arched braces and service wall truss partly survives. Crown post roof with 4 crown posts with square section longitudinal curved braces. Cross-wing has straight 'high end' wall bracing forming a cruciform pattern and peg holes for former bench. The half hipped roof is of simple collar/rafter type and gablet has pegging for former smoke outlet. WAKES COLNE LANE ROAD 1. 5214 Normans Farmhouse TL 83 SE 1/7 II 2. Late medieval probably C16 house on a T-plan. Timber framed and plastered, of 2 storeys with jettied crosswing at west end and housing one hip with gablet. Roofs pegtiled. Main range has a hipped ridge roof valleyed onto that of the wing, 2 chimney stacks, one central to hall and one flanking. Windows 6-pane casements, various additions. Listing NGR: TL8865530347

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Grid reference TL 8865 3034 (point)
Map sheet TL83SE
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Record last edited

Nov 6 2019 4:47PM

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