Number of records found: 53
Monument record: MCC9307 Finds Scatter at Metlands, Wormingford (Monument)A fieldwalking survey of 4ha. produced 313 finds (4,968g), including 88 struck flints (907g), concentrated in the southern and eastern half of the area. 58 burnt flints were collected (total weight 1,127g), concentrated in a NW-SE band across the centre of the survey area.
Monument record: MCC3102 Group of features at the Knowledge Gateway, the University of Essex, Colchester (Element Group)The Colchester Archaeological Trust undertook a watching brief of c.6.5ha. in three Areas (A, B, C) during infrastructure works for the University of Essex’s new research park, the ‘Knowledge Gateway’ during 2010-11. Area B, c.0.8ha. in area, was located principally to the south of Capon Road and west of Boundary Road.
Monument record: MCC7417 Neolithic occupation remains, Fields Farm, Layer-de-la Haye (Monument)Neolithic pottery, pit and possible ditch found whilst digging out an old drain.