Number of records found: 3466
(Note: the map is limited to 3000 records)
Monument record: MCC247 17-23 Long Wyre Street, Colchester (site of) (Monument)17th century house, now demolished.
Monument record: MCC2492 Undated well, Nelson's Head, West Stockwell Street, Colchester (Element)Ancient Well, Nelson's Head.
Monument record: MCC2637 Saxon spears and shield boss, Colchester (Find Spot)Saxon spears and shield boss, Colchester
Monument record: MCC2638 Late Anglo Saxon ivory disc from 64 Morant Road, Colchester (Find Spot)Late Anglo Saxon ivory disc from 64 Morant Road in 1987.
Monument record: MCC265 House, St John's Street, Colchester (site of) (Monument)17th century house, now demolished.
Monument record: MCC2659 13th century coin and lead canister, 22-24 High Street, Colchester (Find Spot)13th century coin and lead canister, likely to be part of a coin hoard, recorded during an excavation in 2000.
Monument record: MCC266 House, Stanwell Street, Colchester (site of) (Monument)17th century house, now demolished.
Monument record: MCC268 11-14 St John's Green, Colchester (site of) (Monument)16th century house, now demolished.
Monument record: MCC2683 16th and 17th century pottery from Fitzwalter Road (Find Spot)16th and 17th century pottery from Fitzwalter Road