Number of records found: 3466
(Note: the map is limited to 3000 records)
Monument record: MCC5456 Medieval pottery in the area of the Wormingford Mere Complex, Wormingford (Find Spot)Pottery of medieval date found close to a darker soil mark within the cropmark complex.
Monument record: MCC5656 Watching Brief at 9 East Hill, Colchester, Essex (Monument)Watching Brief at 9 East Hill, Colchester, Essex
Monument record: MCC5733 Test Pit 10, 9 Brierly Avenue, West Mersea (Find Spot)Test Pit 10, one of ten test pits excavated by Access Cambridge Archaeology in West Mersea in 2009. The test pit produced sherds of 18th century and Victorian pottery.
Monument record: MCC6958 Medieval finds in All Saints' Churchyard, Inworth (Find Spot)"Grave-digging continues and yields medieval pottery".
Monument record: MCC6959 Inworth Rectory (Find Spot)"There are alleged to be fragments of medieval masonry in and around the Old Rectory."
Monument record: MCC7317 Church of St Mary the Virgin, Layer Marney (Monument)Collegiate church, walls of plastered brick with dressings of limestone and brick.
Monument record: MCC7543 Stanway Hall (Monument)Hall built probably about the middle of the C16 but which has been almost entirely rebuilt in modern times.
Monument record: MCC7578 Fulling Mill, Spring Lane, Lexden (1777) Lexden Mill - corn (1875) (Monument)Site of a fulling mill shown on the C and A map of 1777.
Monument record: MCC7990 Colchester Castle Park (Monument)C18 parks opened to the public in the C19, bank of castle bailey landscaped C18, rotunda at SE end (now ruined).
Monument record: MCC8055 Post medieval wall, Coast Road, West Mersea (Monument)Foundation of a N to S aligned post-medieval wall constructed of unfrogged bricks 230 x 65 x 110mm, located to the south of Coast Road.