Source/Archive record SCC335 - The Lexden Tumulus: A re-appraisal of an Iron Age burial from Colchester, Essex

Title The Lexden Tumulus: A re-appraisal of an Iron Age burial from Colchester, Essex
Date/Year 1986
International Standard Book Number 0 86054 408 7


Re-appraisal of the Lexden Tumulus excavations undertaken in 1924 by Phillip and Edward Laver.
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General Editors: A. R. Hands & D. R. Walker. Printed by British Archaeological Reports 5, Centremead, Osney Mead, Oxford OX2 0DQ, England


Colchester and Essex Museum Museum Resource Centre, Library

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Lexden Tumulus, Colchester (Monument)

Referenced Events (2)

  • Environmental sampling of Lexden Tumulus material, Colchester, 1986 (Ref: ECC1870)
  • Geophysical Survey at Lexden Tumulus, Colchester (Ref: ECC2746)

Record last edited

Jan 29 2008 4:12PM

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