Monument record MCC9219 - Godbolt's Farm, Marks Tey


Historic Farmstead shown on the County Series at 1:2500 Scale Epoch 2 Map (1897-1904).


Grid reference Centred TL 8952 2339 (58m by 75m)
Map sheet TL82SE
County ESSEX


100 m
100 m

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Full Description

Godbolt's Farm is a historic farmstead located to the west of the settlement of Marks Tey and to the east of the settlement of Little Tey. The 1897-1904 Epoch 2 map shows that the farm was a large detached site, made up of eight buildings. Over 75% of the original buildings survive, including three listed buildings. These include the Grade II listed C15 Godbolts Farmhouse (LB Number: 1224528), the Grade II listed C17 barn to the west of Godbolts Farmhouse (LB Number: 1266766), and the Grade II listed C18 barn to the north of Godbolts Farmhouse (LB Number: 1224574). The other buildings were demolished between 1923-1955. There have been a number of modern buildings erected, including a a new farmhouse, suggesting the original surviving farmhouse is no longer part of the farm. It seems that the site has been split in half, with only the part north of Coggeshall Road being agricultural, whereas the southern part is now purely residential. The farmhouse has also undergone some extensions and modifications, including a conservatory. In 2010 permission was granted to convert some of the barns into offices. In terms of historic landscape features, there are the remains of a moat around the southern part of the site.<1>

A heritage statement was compiled by Dusek Design in 2012 (ECC4111).<2>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <2> Desk-based Assessment: Dusek Design Associates Ltd. 2012. Heritage Statement. Godbolts Farm Marks Tey, Nr. Colchester, Essex. CO6 1HS.

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Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (3)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Nov 16 2017 3:48PM

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