Monument record MCC8904 - Cudmore Grove Country Park


Cropmarks consisting of a number of linear features and trackways, some of which may be associated with the WW2 coastal defences.


Grid reference Centred TM 0670 1460 (506m by 521m)
Map sheet TM01SE


100 m
100 m

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Type and Period (5)

Full Description

Cropmarks consisting of a number of linear features and trackways, some of which may be associated with the WW2 coastal defences. There is a ring-ditch at TM06901476 and at TM06771470 there is an enclosure, partially masked by periglacial features and a building. It appears to be double-ditched, sub- circular in plan, with an out-turned entrance in the outer ditch on the east side. The inner ditch has small square indentations (firing platforms?). It is possible therefore that this is post medieval, and military in origin. <1> AP refs: <2> <3> See TM11-052, 2919 for a similar indented feature.
According to 'Dougal', the ranger at Cudmore Grove Country Park, the earthworks and cropmarks could be Cromwellian (1649-1660) in origin. <4>

The present management practise should be maintained <5>

The features visible on the aerial photographs were mapped as part of the NMP <6>

Sources/Archives (6)

  • <1> DESC TEXT: unknown. 1960 0nwards. SMR form unknown.
  • <2> AP: CUCAP. 1970. BCA31, 33, 34, 37.
  • <3> AP: NMR. 1976. TM0614/1/430. Date 1976:6.
  • <4> Verbal communication: unknown. unknown. cropmarks.
  • <5> DESC TEXT: Gibson, Sarah. 1994. Country Parks Archaeological Survey of Cudmore Grove.
  • <6> Map: Ingle, CJ, Strachan, D, Tyler, S and Saunders, H. 1993-2012. NMP Cropmark Plot - 1:10,000.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (0)

Record last edited

Nov 3 2015 11:41AM

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