Monument record MCC5480 - WWII Ammunition Shelter, The Bungalow, Heckfordbridge, Colchester


This ammunition shelter still survives. It stands on land S of “The Bungalow” 30 yards from the road.


Grid reference TL 9464 2197 (point)
Map sheet TL92SW


100 m
100 m

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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Contemporary records state “Ammunition shelter. Garden of The Bungalow, Heckford bridge. Map ref. 393492”. (Mil. Ed). Although the wartime Military Grid Reference is wrong (it should be 393402), this ammunition shelter still survives. It stands on land S of “The Bungalow” 30 yards from the road.<1>

At the time of the site visit it was not possible to access the shelter directly but it can be clearly seen from both the road and the woodland known as Gol Grove. It appears as a typical 8’ x 6’ rectangular building with concrete sides and a 6” concrete roof. The full height entrance (now boarded up) is midway along the N wall. Indicative of ammunition shelters, there is a ventilation brick high on the E wall.

“The Bungalow” is clearly a post-war house. Reportedly, the wartime house was demolished and replaced by the present house, taking the same name. Part of the garden was sold off and this piece of land is where the ammunition shelter now stands.<2>

Two photos of site.<3>

WWII ammunition shelters are becoming rarer and rarer as the remaining few across the County are demolished, generally through lack of recognition or appreciation of their wartime role. As part of the history and heritage of Heckfordbridge and the Home Guard (it would have been constructed to store weapons and ammunition for the local unit) every effort should be made to ensure the continued survival of this shelter.

See also <4> & <5>.

Sources/Archives (5)

  • <1> LIST: unknown. 1968. War Time Contraventions 1968. Birch.
  • <2> Verbal communication: local resident. 2005. Personal comment. July 2005.
  • <3> Photograph: Nash, Fred. 2005. Ammunition Shelter, The Bungalow, Heckfordbridge. 2 frames, July 2005.
  • <4> Unpublished document: Nash, Fred. 2007. SURVEY OF WORLD WAR TWO DEFENCES IN THE BOROUGH OF COLCHESTER. VOLUME 1. Volume 1.
  • <5> Unpublished document: Nash, Fred. 2007. SURVEY OF WORLD WAR TWO DEFENCES IN THE BOROUGH OF COLCHESTER. VOLUME 2. Volume 2.

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Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

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Record last edited

Jun 18 2020 9:14AM

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