Monument record MCC4960 - Anglian Water's Bures to Gt. Horkesley Pipeline


Watching Brief and limited excavation on the Essex Section of the Bures to Gt. Horkesley Pipeline


Grid reference TL 9648 3125 (point)
Map sheet TL93SE


100 m
100 m

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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

In 1991 a watching brief and some (limited) excavation took place on the route of the Essex Section of the Bures to Great Horkesley pipeline from the River Stour North of Wormingford to Great Horkesley Reservoir. Except where troads and tracks had to be crossed the pipeline was laid in fields with the topsoil stripped to a width of 6- 7m.

One Roman site was identified (See 18089) and a 15th century jug handle was found (See PRN18091). Other features and finds were post medieval.

The isolated post medieval/ Modern features were sited at: TL93603360, an area of recent burning with modern brick and dumped gravel; TL93623357, A gravel spread with large flints and fragments of Post Medieval tile; TL95573210, a modern feature ( probably a pit); TL95783188, a layer of brick fragments forming the footpaths foundation; and finbally TL96813119, an area of recent burning. A single sherd of Post med, probably 18th century pot was found at TL95863169. <1>.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> EXCAV REPORT: Wallis, S.. 1991. Anglian Water, Bures to Gt. Horkesley Pipeline, Archaeology of the Essex Section.

Finds (2)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Nov 3 2015 11:41AM

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