Element Group record MCC3089 - Two early Roman cremation burials at Park Road, Lexden


Excavations on land to the south of Park Road, Lexden, in 2014 identified two early Roman cremation burials. The two cremations located in Area 1 (203 and 206) contained fragments of cremated animal bone and small pieces of unidentified cremated bone, as well as fragments of early Roman brooches. Nails representative of possible box fittings were found in one of the pits, suggestive of a disturbed cremation burial.


Grid reference TL 9815 2477 (point)
Map sheet TL92SE
County ESSEX


100 m
100 m

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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Cremation Pit [203]
This pit measured c.0.89m in diameter x 0.26m deep and was located at the relative centre of Area 1. The fill of this feature (204) comprised a dark grey-brown, charcoal-rich sandy silt with occasional fragments of cremated and calcined bone. Several fragments of bone have been identified as pieces of sheep/goat bone, although a number of fragments were too small to be positively identified and could potentially be human (see Reilly, below). Three complete or partial complete iron nails of Manning Type 1B and two further fragments of iron nails were recovered from this feature, as well as a fragment of a copper alloy brooch, (possibly Colchester type dating to AD 25-60). These finds are suggestive of an early Roman boxed cremation, most of which has since decayed and/or been truncated. Small crumbs of Romano-British pottery were recovered from this feature and support the interpretation of an early Roman truncated cremation burial.<1>

Cremation Pit [206]
Pit [206], c.8.5m to the south-west of [203], measured 0.95m x 0.81m and 0.20m deep. Both the form of pit [206] and its fill (207) were comparable to those of pit [203]. Small fragments of unidentifiable cremated bone were also recovered from pit [206] as well as a fragment of a second copper alloy brooch of Colchester type. These finds imply that this pit also contained a poorly preserved early Roan cremation burial. Pottery fragments, comparable to those crumbs recovered from pit [203] were found within the fill of this pit and support an early Roman date.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> EXCAV REPORT: Hogan, Shannon and Hanson, Karl. 2014. Land next to Park Road, Lexden, Colchester: Archaeological Excavation and Monitoring.

Finds (4)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Jan 9 2017 11:13AM

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