Element record MCC3082 - Roman cremation burial, 17 West Lodge Road, Colchester


The remains of an urned cremation burial was discovered during a watching brief for the construction of an extension at 17 West Lodge Road, Colchester. The base and lower part of a jar or bowl (dated mid 1st-early 2nd century AD), associated with a single piece of cremated (presumed human) bone, was recovered from a foundation trench, apparently previously disturbed.


Grid reference TL 9854 2480 (point)
Map sheet TL92SE
County ESSEX


100 m
100 m

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Type and Period (2)

Full Description

Two groups of pottery were recovered during the watching brief (Group 1 and Group 2). Group 1 consists of the lower part of a jar or bowl (find no. 2) which was associated with a piece of cremated bone (presumed to be human). These finds are likely to represent a disturbed cremation, probably of mid 1st- to 2nd-century date. Although most of the pottery breaks are recent (the base and wall sherds join together), the presence of an old break and the absence of the other pieces suggest that the burial had already been disturbed. The possible ‘egg-shell’ ware pottery fragments from Group 2 were located in a charcoal rich cut at a depth of 600mm below modern ground level. Roman pottery fragments were also recovered from the soil layers L1 & L2.<1>

Group 1
Pottery Roman 7 sherds (202g); Fabric GX, sherds from complete base and lower part of a jar/bowl, fresh/recent breaks with several large joining sherds, the fabric suggests an early Roman (possible mid 1st-2nd century AD) for this pot. Cremated bone 1 fragment (2g), presumed human (Note: appears probably to be a disturbed cremation burial).

Group 2
Pottery Roman 2 sherds (55g); Fabric DZ, fine, thin sherds in white fabric, possibly an ‘eggshell’ ware (probably mid 1st-2nd century AD).

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Watching Brief Report: Wightman, Adam (CAT). 2012. An archaeological watching brief at 17 West Lodge Road, Colchester, Essex. CAT report 665.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Jan 10 2017 10:01AM

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