Element record MCC2908 - Roman cremation burial, north of Gosbecks, Colchester


Probable Roman cremation burial recorded during Site C excavations in advance of the construction of Cunobelin Way (and the housing estate to the north), north of Gosbecks Archaeological Park, in 1995-6.


Grid reference TL 96913 22947 (point)
Map sheet TL92SE
County ESSEX


100 m
100 m

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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

One of three definite cremation burials (CF37) identified in the northern half of Site C during the 1995-6 excavations (also MCC2907 and MCC2909) and all had suffered damage prior to excavation.

This burial is also situated to the east of the boundary ditch (MCC2893) and was the least badly damaged of the cremations. It contained the largest selection of grave goods: a samian dish of form Dr 18 dated c.AD 85-100, with the surviving lower parts of both a glass flask and a flagon three vessels. All had been placed upright in the grave arranged in a row along the east side of the sub-rectangular grave pit. The bone remains were not contained in an urn and had been placed in the centre of the pit, to the west of the vessels.<1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> EXCAV REPORT: Benfield, Stephen (CAT). 2008. Excavations of Late Iron Age and Roman features and a Roman road north of Gosbecks Archaeological Park, Colchester, Essex 1995-1996. CAT report 127, p.9 & Fig. 14.

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Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

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Record last edited

Dec 20 2016 10:23AM

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