Building record MCC272 - Winnock's Almshouses, Military Road, Colchester


Late 17th century Almshouses.


Grid reference TM 00114 24712 (point)
Map sheet TM02SW


100 m
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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

RCHME survey of Winnock's Almshouses on south side of Military Road, 'a long block of tenements of red brick. It was built c.1678 and is a good example of the brickwork of the period. The N front is divided into two bays by pilasters and into storeys by a continuous entablature; the middle bay has a plain pediment and the two middle doorways are combined to form an architectural composition with pilasters surmounted by half-balls and a broken voluted pediment; under the pediment are two sunk panels with the initials and date IWM 1678. The doors to the six tenements are original and have each two large panels, bolection-moulded. The back is plain but the doors to the ground floor mostly have old frames'.<1>

DOE survey of No's 1 to 6 Military Road, Winnock's Terrace. Grade I. Built in 1678 by John Winnock. Long range of 6 tenements in red brick, and a good example of the brickwork of the period. Two storeys, the roofs tiled. The north front is divided into 3 bays by pilasters and there is a moulded brick band between the storeys; the north and south bays have a parapet, the centre bay a pediment. Six window range of broad double hung sashes with glazing bars, original doors of 2 panels with bolection moulding, the 2 centre doorways combined into one architectural composition by 3 pilasters topped by half balls and a broken voluted pediment; In the main pediment are also 2 sunk inscription panels: within the pediment are 2 sunk panels, one with the initials WIM and the other with the date 1678.<2>

A programme of historic building recording was carried out by Colchester Archaeological Trust in 2018 on a complex of 20th-century almshouses at 1-7 Winnocks, in advance of their demolition. The brick buildings were constructed in 1934 as additional accommodation for the residents of the adjacent almshouse built by John Winnock in 1678.<3>

Sources/Archives (3)

  • <1> Monograph: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England. 1922. Royal Commission on Historical Monuments (England): Essex, (North-East). Volume III. No 160.
  • <2> LIST: Department of the Environment. 1971. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest: Borough of Colchester (Essex). TM 0024 14/162.
  • <3> Historic Building Recording: Lister, Chris. 2018. Historic building recording at 1-7 Winnocks, Military Road, Colchester, Essex, CO1 2AF. CAT Report 1277.

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Record last edited

Jun 27 2018 3:29PM

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