Find Spot record MCC1805 - Anglo-Saxon finds, Mersea Road, Colchester


Anglo-Saxon finds, recorded in 1926. The finds are plotted by Crummy (1981, Fig. 2) in the area of Mersea Road, just to the north of Lucas Road, but this is approximate.


Grid reference TL 99955 24587 (point)
Map sheet TL92SE


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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Crummy (1981, p.15) records, 'A collection of objects (CM 5318.26) said to have been found in the Mersea Road cemetery was accessed by Colchester and Essex Museum in 1926. The principal finds are 21 beads, 3 bronze buckles, the head of a radiate brooch, and a bone comb'.<1><2>

Also included in the collection is a coin of Claudius II Gothicus (Rev: Consecratio) struck by Quintillus in 270. For an unrecorded reason the finely decorated late Roman buckle (Fig 18,1) and one of the other two buckles (which one is not known) were given the same accession number as the group at a later date.

Crummy also records, 'The collection reached the Colchester Museum via an antique dealer from south Essex who may not have been able to confirm the authenticity of the material satisfactorily'. <2>

Sources/Archives (2)

  • <1> LIST: Colchester Museums. 1923-1926. Colchester Museum Accession Register 1923-1926. COLEM1926.5318.
  • <2> Monograph: Crummy, Philip. 1981. CAR 1: Aspects of Anglo-Saxon and Norman Colchester. 1. pp.15-16, Figs. 2 & 18-19.

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Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

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Record last edited

Dec 12 2016 9:43AM

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