Site Event/Activity record ECC573 - DOE Listing of Winsley's Almshouses, Colchester, 1950


Location Winsley's Almshouses, Winsley Square, Old Heath Road, Colchester
Grid reference Centred TM 00806 23984 (25m by 18m)
Map sheet TM02SW



Department of the Environment (DoE)




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DOE Survey of Winsley's Almshouses. Winsley Square, Old Heath Road. Grade II. Winsley's Almshouses, founded 1728. Incorporated a late C16 brick house of half H shape. Wings were added on east and west extending north to form an open courtyard. These wings have been extended to more than twice their original length towards the north in C19 and present century, so that the courtyard has now become a cul-de-sac. The main block has a projecting central porch with passage through on the ground floor; it has original octagonal angle turrets now covered with cement, and with early C18 features. The space in the upper storey of the porch was fitted up as a chapel. No's 1 to 5 and 18 to 22 are in early C19 red brick. No's 6 to 17 in C18 red and black chequer brickwork. The roofs are tiled. Windows double hung sashes with glazing bars. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> LIST: Department of the Environment. 1971. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest: Borough of Colchester (Essex). page 109.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Winsley's Almshouses, Old Heath Road, Colchester (Building)

Record last edited

Mar 22 2016 3:22PM

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