Site Event/Activity record ECC4388 - Fieldwalking and metal-detecting survey at Land west of Dawes Lane, West Mersea, 2019


Location Land west of Dawes Lane, West Mersea
Grid reference Centred TM 0216 1374 (371m by 441m)
Map sheet TM01SW
County ESSEX



Colchester Archaeological Trust Ltd


October to November 2019


100 m
100 m

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A systematic fieldwalking and metal-detecting survey was undertaken by Colchester Archaeological Trust on land (c.10.2ha.) to the west of Dawes Lane in October 2019.<1> The fieldwalking survey revealed very small scatters of prehistoric, Roman and medieval material, with post-Roman tile/brick and post-medieval and modern pottery dominating the assemblage. Similarly, the metal-detecting survey only produced post-medieval/modern agricultural ironwork and modern waste material. Prehistoric finds consisted of a flint flake, two probable flint cores and a piece of burnt flint. Only two (the flake and burnt flint) were found in the same hectare, although all four were from the southern half of the field. There was only one fragment of Roman pottery (5.9g) and a total of 179g of Roman brick/tile. Medieval and post-medieval finds consisted of pottery, peg-tile and brick. There were four fragments of medieval pottery (27.5g) and nine fragments of post-medieval pottery (55.7g). Each transect of the fieldwalking grid was also metal-detected. A total of 11.85kg of agricultural ironwork was found during the survey along with 810g of aluminium/tin, brass and the remains of a mobile phone.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Evaluation Report: Pooley, Laura. 2019. Archaeological fieldwalking, metal-detecting and geophysical surveys plus a trial-trenching evaluation on land to the west of Dawes Lane, West Mersea, Essex, CO5 8GJ. CAT Report 1499.

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Record last edited

Feb 26 2020 11:53AM

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