Site Event/Activity record ECC4331 - Archaeological evaluation and monitoring at St Mary the Virgin Church, Layer Marney, 2019


Location St Mary the Virgin Church, Layer Marney, CO5 9UX
Grid reference TL 9282 1741 (point)
Map sheet TL91NW
County ESSEX



Colchester Archaeological Trust Ltd


August 2019


100 m
100 m

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A test pit evaluation was undertaken by Colchester Archaeological Trust in August 2019 in advance of alterations (replacement of the chancel floor and the construction of an external treatment plant for a new toilet) at St Mary the Virgin Church. Four archaeological test-pits were excavated. TP1 and TP2 were located inside the church. They both measured 0.5m x 0.5m and were excavated to a depth of 1m below floor level. TP3 was located outside the church, between the tower and the Sunday school room. TP3 measured 1m x 1m and was excavated to a depth of 0.7m. TP4 was located in the western corner of the churchyard. It also measured 1m x 1m, and was excavated to a depth of 0.5m. The evaluation was undertaken to establish the depth of the existing concrete floor base and the nature of any archaeological deposits below it. No significant archaeological features, layers or finds were identified during the evaluation and only post-medieval and modern layers were encountered.<1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Evaluation Report: Parmenter, Pip. 2019. Archaeological evaluation by test-pitting at St. Mary the Virgin Church, Layer Marney, Essex, CO5 9UX. CAT Report 1463.

Related Monuments/Buildings (2)

  • Church of St Mary the Virgin, Wick Road, Layer Marney (Building)
  • Churchyard of St Mary the Virgin, Layer Marney (Monument)

Record last edited

Apr 8 2020 11:23AM

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