Site Event/Activity record ECC4312 - Archaeological trial-trenched evaluation on land at Wyvern Farm, London Road, Stanway, 2019


Location Land at Wyvern Farm, London Road, Stanway
Grid reference Centred TL 9427 2491 (329m by 192m)
Map sheet TL92SW
County ESSEX



Archaeology South-East


January 2019


5 km
5 km

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A trial-trenched evaluation was carried out by Archaeology South-East in January 2019 on land at Wyvern Farm, London Road, Stanway. Twenty-seven trenches were excavated across the site (c.3.6ha. in size), of which 13 contained archaeological features comprising linear ditches and a single pit, possibly Neolithic in date. The linear ditches corresponded to former field boundaries recorded on historic OS maps dated to between 1870 and 1960. A modern soil deposit up to 0.5m thick, deriving from construction of the adjacent A12 road, was found across the northern third of the site.<1> Pit [112/006] was oval in plan shape, measuring 1.43m x 0.87m x 0.17m deep. This discrete feature was completely excavated. It had moderately steep sloped sides with no discernible break of slope to a flat base, though the cut was very diffuse and ill-defined. This pit contained two fills. Upper fill [112/004] was a firm dark grey brown silty gravel with frequent charcoal and burnt flint inclusions from which bulk soil sample <1> was collected. Basal fill [112/005] was a firm dark grey brown silty gravel with frequent charcoal and inclusions of fired clay. Fill (112/004) contained two sherds (10g) of flint-tempered pottery in keeping with the Early Neolithic Plan Bowl tradition. The trial-trenching followed a geophysical survey undertaken by SUMO Survey in 2018 (ECC4275).

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Evaluation Report: Cullum, Rob. 2019. Archaeological Evaluation: Land at Wyvern Farm, London Road, Stanway, Essex. ASE Report 2019042.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Undated cropmarks, north of Wyvern Farm, Stanway (Monument)

Record last edited

Apr 1 2020 12:25PM

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