Site Event/Activity record ECC4145 - Archaeological monitoring and recording at Broad Marsh, The Street, Salcott, 2018-2019


Location Broad Marsh, The Street, Salcott, CM9 8HW
Grid reference TL 9524 1358 (point)
Map sheet TL91SE
County ESSEX



John Newman Archaeological Services


March 2018 and May 2019


100 m
100 m

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Archaeological monitoring and recording was undertaken by John Newman in March 2018 and May 2019 during the groundworks for a replacement garage and new rear extension. A total c.29m of foundation trenching was excavated. The exposed deposit profile in the 9.20m of trench at the rear extension on the north side of the house comprised 250mm of topsoil above 250mm of subsoil with the underlying natural deposit being orange clay. The only finds in the top and subsoil were small fragments of brick and tile of recent date. The 19.60m of trench foundation for the new garage on the western side of the house was made up of 150mm of former drive/patio and sub-base above 200mm of topsoil which in turn lay over 250mm of subsoil. The natural glaciofluvial deposit in this area was pale brown clay. The only disturbance seen was in the subsoil and comprised traces of the foundations of the previous garage structure. Most of the finds in the upcast spoil were brick and tile fragments of recent date though one sherd of medieval sandy coarseware pottery (30g) was also recovered.<1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Watching Brief Report: Newman, John. 2019. Broad Marsh, The Street, Salcott, Essex. Archaeological Monitoring Report.

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Record last edited

Apr 9 2020 10:58AM

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