Site Event/Activity record ECC3858 - Site G excavation at the former Meeanee & Hyderabad Barracks, Colchester, 2011


Location Colchester Garrison Alienated Land Area A1 (former Meeanee & Hyderabad Barracks), Mersea Road, Colchester
Grid reference Centred TM 00042 24376 (51m by 23m)
Map sheet TM02SW
County ESSEX



Colchester Archaeological Trust Ltd


April and June 2011


100 m
100 m

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Site G (400m²) was designed as a single 50m x 12m area, but was split into two parts to retain vehicle access for demolition plant. Site G was positioned to follow the line of E/W-aligned ditch F136/F143 found in 2010 evaluation T32 and T26 respectively, and also investigated in Area F to the east (where it was numbered FF7). The discovery of a Roman inhumation in 2002 T10, 60m to the west, also opened up the possibility that Roman burials would be found here. The main significant features in Site G were two intercutting possible graves (undated, but presumed to be Roman: GF4/6), and the expected E/W-aligned ditch GF1 which is the same ditch as FF7 in Site F. There was also a Roman gully (GF03). Site G was, however, dominated by the foundations of now-demolished barracks buildings.<1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> EXCAV REPORT: Brooks, Howard. 2016. A Late Iron Age dyke, Roman and Anglo-Saxon burials, a Roman coin hoard, and a Civil War fort: Stage 1b archaeological evaluation and Stage 2 excavation at Colchester Garrison Alienated Land Area A1. CAT Report 628, pp.75-77.

Related Monuments/Buildings (3)

  • Roman ditch, former Meeanee & Hyderabad Barracks (Site G), Colchester (Element)
  • Roman gully, former Meeanee & Hyderabad Barracks (Site G), Colchester (Element)
  • Roman? burials, former Meeanee & Hyderabad Barracks (Site G), Colchester (Element Group)

Record last edited

Dec 16 2016 12:12PM

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