Site Event/Activity record ECC3849 - Rescue excavation in advance of a water pipeline, Brookhouse Road, Great Tey, 1998


Location Land south of Brookhouse Road, Great Tey
Grid reference Centred TL 88291 25824 (105m by 155m)
Map sheet TL82NE
County ESSEX



Essex County Council Field Archaeology Unit


February to May 1998


5 km
5 km

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Archaeological monitoring (a rescue excavation of an area 170m long x 13m wide) during the construction of an Anglian Water trunk main between Cressing and Great Horkesley in north Essex recorded an important Roman site at Great Tey. A sequence of Roman trackways and enclosures containing corn-driers represents a crop-processing area dating from the mid-1st to later 4th century. The crop-processing enclosure was enlarged in the mid/late 2nd century, at the same time as the construction of the Great Tey Roman villa 800m to the south-east (NHLE no. 1013516), and would have been part of the villa estate. The initial layout of trackway and enclosure in the mid-1st to early 2nd century was probably related to a farmstead predating the villa. A medieval stock enclosure dating from the 12th/13th to 15th century was recorded beside Brookhouse Road. All features in the excavated area were planned and a sample of most of them was excavated, but investigation was concentrated on several selected areas with a high density of features as these had the greatest potential for producing a coherent and interpretable sequence. These areas were cleaned by mechanical excavator and excavated in detail, but features elsewhere, especially some of the boundary ditches, were investigated only minimally.<1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Article in serial: Allen, Patrick & Gibson, Stuart. 2015. A Roman crop-processing enclosure at Great Tey, and other sites on the Cressing to Great Horkesley Anglian Water trunk main: rescue excavations 1998. Essex Transactions of Archaeology and History forthcoming.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Brookhouse Road, Great Tey (Cressing-Great Horkesley Water Trunk Main) (Monument)

Record last edited

Jul 20 2016 11:23AM

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