Site Event/Activity record ECC3780 - Fieldwalking of the Metlands, Wormingford, 2012


Location Metlands, Wormingford
Grid reference Centred TL 9237 3279 (209m by 286m)
Map sheet TL93SW
County ESSEX



Colchester Archaeological Group


May 2012


100 m
100 m

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A fieldwalking survey was carried out of a 4ha. area by students of a Practical Archaeology course (part of the Certificate in Local Historical Studies offered by the University of Essex Department of History). The survey was done to standard Essex methodology (i.e. 10% surface collection based on 2m-wide collection corridors spaced 20m apart: see Medlycott 2005). The collection corridors were aligned with the growing crops, rather than N/S-E/W. Finds were collected from 10 collection corridors (A-I), and from 100 stints (or 20m boxes).<1> 313 finds were collected (total weight 4,968g). Most were post-medieval peg-tile, brick, and pottery, probably derived from manure scatter (56.3% of all finds by weight). The only Roman finds were 4 pieces of possible brick/tile (2.7% of finds by weight). There was a single medieval sherd (0.10%). The most significant finds were prehistoric worked flints and burnt flints. 88 struck flints were collected (total weight 907g: average 9.07g per 20m box), considerably above the County Average (CA) of 6 flints per hectare (Medlycott 2005). Most of the flints were concentrated in the southern and eastern half of the survey area. 58 burnt flints were collected (total weight 1127g: average weight per 20m box, 11.27g. These burnt flints are at approximately three times the CA. The flints do not share the distribution of the worked flints, but are concentrated in a NW-SE band across the centre of the survey area.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Article in serial: Brooks, Howard. 2004. Fieldwalking the Onion Field and Metlands, Wormingford. Colchester Archaeological Group Bulletin Vol. 52, pp.6-8.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Finds Scatter at Metlands, Wormingford (Monument)

Record last edited

May 31 2016 8:58AM

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