Site Event/Activity record ECC3494 - Fieldwalking Survey at Abbotstone, Stanway


Location Land to the south-east of Bellhouse Farm, Stanway
Grid reference Centred TL 942 228 (525m by 545m)
Map sheet TL92SW



Colchester Archaeological Trust Ltd


April 1998


100 m
100 m

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A systematic fieldwalking survey (phases 2 and 3) was carried out on an area 14.5ha in size, on land scheduled for mineral extraction, by Colchester Archaeological Trust. <1> Roman tile and brick was recovered in sufficient quantity to suggest the presence of one or more buildings in the vicinity. Although lacking in strong surface concentrations, the distribution pattern displayed an emphasis toward the north-western corner of the survey area. Elsewhere, there was an increased incidence of the material in parts of the central area, but too slight establish any firm association with cropmark features which occur in that part of the field. Other finds included a light scatter of flint tools, cores and flakes mainly representative of later Neolithic to early (or possibly middle) Bronze Age activity. Phase 1 fieldwalking was carried out to the north in 1997. <2>

Sources/Archives (2)

  • <1> Evaluation Report: Crossan, Carl. 1998. A Fieldwalking survey at Abbotstone, Stanway, Colchester. CAT Report 20.
  • <2> Evaluation Report: Colchester Archaeological Trust. 1997. Fieldwalking survey at Abbotstone, Stanway, Colchester/ Phase one Nov. 1997. CAT Report 9.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Fieldwalking Survey at Abbotstone, Stanway, Phases 2 and 3 (Find Spot)

Record last edited

Feb 2 2016 3:07PM

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