Site Event/Activity record ECC3044 - A fieldwalking evaluation at the Flakt Woods site, off Tufnell Way, Colchester, 2003


Location Flakt Woods site, off Tufnell Way, Colchester
Grid reference Centred TL 978 266 (371m by 209m)
Map sheet TL92NE



Colchester Archaeological Trust Ltd


May 2003


100 m
100 m

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A fieldwalking evaluation was conducted over an approximately 4.5 hectare area of land at the Flakt Woods site, off Tufnell Way (which lies directly north of the main Colchester to London railway line, and south-east of the Woods Air Movement factory), Colchester. The fieldwalking survey and reporting methodology followed the standard Essex fieldwalking methodology: a 10% surface collection achieved by collecting finds in 2m-wide corridors extending south to north over a 20m-square grid. A total of 17.427kg of material was recovered for statistical analysis. Post-medieval peg-tile represented 60% of the total by weight (10.53kg). The second largest component was Roman brick/tile (2.49kg: 14%), followed by post medieval and modern pottery (1.63kg: 9%) and worked flints (0.28kg: 1.6%). There were lower weights of burnt flint (?prehistoric) and post medieval pottery. The Roman tile may be associated with Roman tile kilns 500m to the south-east of the fieldwalking survey area. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Evaluation Report: Brooks, H (CAT). 2003. An archaeological fieldwalking evaluation at the Flakt Woods site, off Tufnell Way (adjacent to the Woods Air Movement factory), Colchester, Essex. CAT Report 229.

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Record last edited

Oct 15 2015 12:08PM

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