Site Event/Activity record ECC2899 - Fieldwalking survey at Gosbecks Business Park, Colchester, 2014


Location Gosbecks Business Park, Colchester
Grid reference Centred TL 97455 22623 (413m by 331m)
Map sheet TL92SE
County ESSEX



Colchester Archaeological Trust Ltd


September 2014


100 m
100 m

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Archaeological fieldwalking survey (FWS) was carried out by Colchester Archaeological Trust (CAT) in September 2014. The FWS was one component part of the Gosbecks Business Park investigation.<1> The survey was carried out in accordance with standard Essex fieldwalking methodology which has been used in Essex since the Stansted Project in 1986 (Havis and Brooks 2007), and was summarised by Medlycott (2005). The existing co-ordinate based grid on Gosbecks Archaeological Park was extended into the investigation area. Within each hectare, a 10% sample was achieved by collecting all surface finds from five parallel, 2-metre wide collection corridors spaced 20m apart, thus giving 25 collection units (or ‘stints’) in each hectare. However, because of the shape of the field, no complete hectare grids could be fitted onto the site, so the actual number of stints walked is lower than 25 per hectare. Finds were counted, and plotted on to a map base at a suitable scale, with one sheet showing post-medieval finds and one showing earlier finds. The total area walked was approximately 5.36 ha of arable farmland split into 11 hectare grids. The results of the fieldwalking were minimal. It exposed no concentration of finds indicative of intensive occupation in the Roman or medieval periods. A small assemblage of prehistoric worked flints were recovered, suggesting some background Neolithic activity in the area.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Evaluation Report: Baister, M and Dennis, T.. 2014. Archaeological investigation by fieldwalking and geophysical survey at Gosbecks Business Park, Colchester, Essex. CAT report 792.

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Record last edited

Feb 9 2018 12:21PM

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