Site Event/Activity record ECC2893 - Test pits in the Sensory Garden, Upper Castle Park, Colchester, 2014


Location Sensory Garden, Upper Castle Park, Colchester
Grid reference Centred TL 999 253 (2m by 23m)
Map sheet TL92NE
County ESSEX



Colchester Archaeological Trust Ltd


August 2014



Two test pits (TP1-2) were dug by hand by CAT staff in the area of the Sensory Garden on 28th-29th August 2014. The pits both measured 1m square. TP1 was located in a flower bed immediately to the north of the Sensory Garden. In TP1, excavation continued down to the uppermost surviving level of archaeological significance, which was at approximately 700 mm below the modern ground level. TP2 was dug into a footpath within the Sensory Garden. No significant archaeological deposits were encountered in TP2, so excavation continued to a maximum depth of 1m, as stipulated in the SMC. The modern ground level in the main part of the Sensory Garden, including the footpath into which TP2 was dug, was just over a metre higher than the ground level at the flower bed into which TP1 was dug. <1> In TP1, immediately to the north of the Sensory Garden, the uppermost surviving Roman deposit (L10) was uncovered approximately 650-700 mm below the modern ground level. This deposit was a brownish-yellow clayey layer, which contained sparse fragments of mortar, brick/tile, stone and wall-plaster. It remained unexcavated, but was perhaps derived from the demolished daub walls of a Roman building. The Roman deposit (L10) in TP1 was sealed by a thick layer of dark greyish-brown post-Roman topsoil or ‘dark earth’ (L8). This was 650-700mm thick and was fairly homogeneous up to the modern ground surface. The uppermost 120-150mm of L8 was probably modern topsoil and appeared to have more inclusions than the lower part. In the western side of TP1, there was a thin clayey patch within L8, from 150mm to 220mm below the modern ground level. A quantity of residual Roman finds, including several tesserae, were recovered from L8 in TP1. A few of the Roman pottery sherds (finds number 19) were found cleaning the last of L8 from the surface of the underlying Roman layer (L10). A range of post-Roman finds was also recovered from L8 in TP1. In TP2, there was also a substantial layer of post-Roman topsoil or ‘dark earth’ (L8), at least 650-700mm thick. The bottom of L8 lay beyond the depth limit of the trench, which was 1 m below the modern ground level, as stipulated in the SMC. A small quantity of residual Roman material, including two tesserae, were recovered from L8 in TP2. There was also some post-Roman finds, including a lead trade weight of probable post-medieval date. The post-Roman topsoil (L8) in TP2 was sealed by a layer of modern gravelly make-up (L9), approximately 200mm thick. Over the western part of TP2, L9 was less gravelly and more ‘soily’, and contained some modern brick rubble. This layer was probably modern make-up for the existing tarmac path (L7), which was approximately 80-120mm thick.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Evaluation Report: Shimmin, Don (CAT). 2015. Archaeological investigations in Upper Castle Park, Colchester, Essex. April 2014-January 2015. CAT report 814.

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Record last edited

Mar 22 2016 3:06PM

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