Site Event/Activity record ECC2678 - Excavation and watching brief at the Musket Club, Homefield Road, Colchester, 2004-5


Location Musket Club, Homefield Road, Colchester
Grid reference Centred TL 98361 22570 (87m by 71m) (Approximate)
Map sheet TL92SE
County ESSEX



Colchester Archaeological Trust Ltd


December 2004 to March 2005


100 m
100 m

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The car parking area south of the Musket Club lies over an archaeological ‘cropmark site’ recorded in the 1070s – a sub-rectangular enclosure of suspected Iron Age date (EHCR 11839). A watching brief was carried out on various minor service works connected with the redevelopment of the site. In addition, an area 14 x 20m which coincided with the northern arm of the enclosure was cleaned by hand, and three sections were cut across the ditch. The ditch was recorded in contractors’ trenches at a further three points on its circuit. Modern service-trenches had caused much disturbance to the ditch, but a small quantity of pottery indicated a Middle Iron Age or later date for the enclosure. <1> This work follows two trial trenches excavated in 2002, in the centre and across the north-western angle of the enclosure ditch (CAT Report 207). The north-west angle of the enclosure ditch was located, but heavy disturbance from modern mains and other works had severely truncated the Iron Age remains. <2>

Sources/Archives (2)

  • <1> Watching Brief Report: Brooks, Howard (CAT). 2005. An archaeological excavation and watching brief at the Musket Club, Homefield Road, Colchester, Essex December 2004 -February 2005. CAT Report 311.
  • <2> Evaluation Report: Brooks, Howard (CAT). 2002. An archaeological evaluation by trial-trenching on Areas DR, G, M, P, Q, R, RO, S and T at Colchester Garrison PFI site, Colchester, Essex. CAT Report 207, 44-5.

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Parent/preceding Site Events/Activities (1)

  • Evaluation of Garrison Redevelopment Project, Colchester, 2006 (Ref: ECC2659)

Record last edited

Oct 20 2015 8:01AM

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