Site Event/Activity record ECC1999 - Evaluation at Balkerne Gardens, Colchester, 1994
Location | Balkerne Gardens, Colchester |
Grid reference | Centred TL 9933 2524 (32m by 13m) |
Map sheet | TL92NE |
Colchester Archaeological Trust Ltd
September 1994
An evaluation was carried out prior to development in and around Freda Gunton Lodge, Balkerne Gardens Rest Home. A 2.2 x 2.2 m trench was marked out against the fence on the east side of the property, 13m east of the east face of Freda Gunton Lodge, on the south side of the path and gate giving access to the rest home to Balkerne Close. 1m of topsoil was removed on the south side of the trench using a mini-digger, until a modern pipe trench was uncovered. This part of the trench was abandoned and excavation continued on the north side. 0.7m of topsoil was removed down to a layer of sandy clay. The sequence of deposits revealed during excavation of the trench consisted of layers of gravely clay and clay dump belonging to the late 1st or up to mid 2nd century. These were overlain by further dump layers belonging to the mid to late 2nd century, followed by a disturbed layer of the medieval period, including a robber trench, and then the topsoil. A test-pit, recently dug for engineering purposes was also re-opened under archaeological supervision. Excavation was by a mini-digger. The strata observed was sketched and plotted but were not described in detail. The base of the trench revealed a layer of broken frogged bricks at 2.2m depth. <1><2>
Sources/Archives (2)
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
- MCC2228 Roman pit & medieval robber trench, Freda Gunton Lodge, Balkerne Gardens, Colchester (Element Group)
Record last edited
Feb 9 2016 11:04AM