Site Event/Activity record ECC1746 - Watching Brief at 62 Priory Street, Colchester, 1996


Location 62 Priory Street, Colchester
Grid reference TM 00216 25181 (point)
Map sheet TM02NW



Colchester Archaeological Trust Ltd


October 1996


100 m
100 m

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A watching brief was undertaken at 62 Priory Street. The area mainly affected by groundworks extended from a point 10m in front of the town wall, to the Priory Street frontage. Scope for inspection was limited due to late notification and then extensive lowering of ground in the centre and front of the site. Where not obscured by recently poured concrete, machine spill and trample, the main observations were: 1) Most of the Priory Street frontage was occupied by the front cellar of the recently demolished modern building, which was 1.9m deep and extended back 5.8m from the street. As a result, nothing of significance survived at the front of the site. 2) Removal of the rear (west) wall of the cellar revealed natural sand at a depth of 0.5m in section. Beyond the rear of the cellar, the demolished building's floor slab lay directly above clean sand, a similar relationship was also observed in a 1.2m deep section at the rear of the main area of ground reduction. The groundworks elsewhere produced no clear evidence for the location of the town ditch, although a fairly uniform dark brown sandy loam of unknown depth was noted in a group of stanchion holes within the area reduced by the contractor. 3) Demolition of the north wall of the cellar exposed the front and rear walls of an adjoining early brick cellar beneath 60/61 Priory Street. This cellar was previously noted in an evaluation trench dug in August 1994, and is constructed of red brick, eight and five-eighth inches long, four inches wide, two inches high.<1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Unpublished document: Colchester Archaeological Trust Ltd. 1985-1995. Colchester Archaeological Trust Unpublished Archive. 10/96B.

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Record last edited

Jul 12 2018 2:14PM

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