Site Event/Activity record ECC169 - Tessellated pavement in field behind the Castle, Castle Park, Colchester, 1892


Location Castle Park, Colchester
Grid reference TL 99796 25462 (point)
Map sheet TL92NE



Laver, Henry (Mr)




100 m
100 m

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A red tessellated pavement was found in the field behind the Castle in 1892. It was about 18ft square <1>. Another note by Henry Laver ascribes this discovery to when the Castle Park was being laid out, and locates the pavement near the gardeners tool shed, on the left of the path just below round terrace', the note states ' a portion where the lines of the tessera were laid in a curve as if to suit some ornamental part, was covered by a glass roof and a much larger part was again buried'. The depth was about 3ft' (was later damaged by frost and reburied). <2><3> Could be the same as ECC2386?

Sources/Archives (3)

  • <1> Article in serial: Laver, Henry. 1909. Roman remains discovered in the making of the Public Park at Colchester Castle. T.E.A.S Vol. x, pages 122-125. Page 124.
  • <2> Article in serial: Laver, Henry. 1906. Mosaic pavements in Colchester. T.E.A.S. Vol. ix, pages 84-1990. Page 90.
  • <3> Monograph: Hull, M. Rex. 1958. Roman Colchester: Reports of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of London. No. XX. Insula 6, No 36, page 81.

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Record last edited

Jan 18 2016 3:55PM

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