Site Event/Activity record ECC1534 - Watching brief at Castle Inn, High Street, Colchester, 1985


Location Castle Inn, High Street, Colchester
Grid reference Centred TL 9989 2523 (14m by 15m)
Map sheet TL92NE



Colchester Archaeological Trust Ltd


November 1985


100 m
100 m

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Watching brief at Castle Inn, High Street. The site was visited after a 1.8 x 1.75m trench had been filled with concrete. The workmen informed CAT that 3-4 skeletons (three skulls and the remains of one other) had been removed by the Police on 2/11/85, apparently buried haphazardly on an east-west axis. Mark Davies observed a robber trench which looked to be the precinct wall; he also noted the sand was very high up on the north side, though this may have been the rampart. On 18/11/85 four other trenches were dug to a depth of about 1m and showed in section about 40cm of modern disturbance with dark earth below this. At the east end of trench B was an area of mortared wall foundation, composed of pieces of septaria and tile, possibly the precinct wall. Also noted in the bottom of trench E was traces of red sandy material also observed in Trench F. This appears to be related to a medieval clay floor; this floor was burnt on the east side and had a thin occupation layer on the surface. The burnt area seemed to be a hearth. The floor was sandwiched in the dark earth suggesting a medieval date. A section of Roman wall was observed in Trench G (east-west); this was composed of tile and set in opus signinum. <1>

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Unpublished document: Colchester Archaeological Trust Ltd. 1985-1995. Colchester Archaeological Trust Unpublished Archive. p96-100, 11/85b.

Related Monuments/Buildings (7)

  • Colchester Castle Bailey Rampart, Colchester (Monument)
  • Medieval floor and hearth, Castle Inn, High Street, Colchester (Element Group)
  • Precinct of the Roman Temple of Claudius, Colchester (Monument)
  • Roman wall, Castle Inn, High Street, Colchester (Element)
  • Undated inhumation burial?, Castle Inn, High Street, Colchester (Element)
  • Undated inhumation? burial, Castle Inn, High Street, Colchester (Element)
  • Undated Inhumation? burial, Castle Inn, High Street, Colchester (Element)

Record last edited

Feb 11 2016 8:48AM

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