Site Event/Activity record ECC1254 - Watching Brief at 54 High Street/38 Culver Street, Colchester, 1977


Location 54 High Street/38 Culver Street, Colchester
Grid reference TL 99741 25190 (point)
Map sheet TL92NE



Colchester Archaeological Trust Ltd


July 1977


100 m
100 m

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A watching brief was maintained during the commercial redevelopment of 54 High Street and 38 Culver Street. "The main focus of the watching brief was the digging of to trenches, one in the south-west corner of the site and the other in the south-east. Trench 1 was up to about 1.8 metre deep. it passed through the 0.1 metre of modern concrete, 0.5 metre of floors and dump levels belonging to the post-medieval or modern building, and then 1.1. metre of very dark grey-brown sandy loam topsoil. The top of the Roman deposits were reached at 1.7 metre where the uppermost part of a rubble foundation was uncovered. In the upcast from the trench were several large fragments of yellow mortar 70 mm thick containing small stones. These seemed to have derived from the remains of two successive mortar floors, one directly on top of the other. No floor was seen in situ. Trench 2 cut through similar post-medieval floor levels. The trench did not appear to have been deep enough to penetrate Roman levels."<1>

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Record last edited

Feb 23 2016 7:53AM

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