Site Event/Activity record ECC1186 - Anglo-Saxon burial near Town Rampart, north-east corner of Town Wall, Colchester, 1972


Location Near Town Rampart, north-east corner of Town Wall, Colchester
Grid reference TM 00089 25597 (point)
Map sheet TM02NW



Cuddeford, M. J. (Mr)




100 m
100 m

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Anglo-Saxon Inhumation burial (1) Fragments of skull and left arm of a person of about 40 years of age (2) Cruciform Brooch, bronze length 6.7cm with plain head plate, one knob detached, one missing. There is a rudimentary horses head at the foot but the bronze pin and spring coil are intact (3) Seven beads: amber incised greenish white with blue bowel, yellow green with creamy white rim, blue grey with yellow specks, powder blue with yellow glosses and annular bead with large perforation, and fragment of another amber bead (4) Finger ring, Silver diameter 1.7cm with these were found a Siliqua of Valens (AD 367-378) not acquired. The finds were recovered near the town rampart outside the North-East corner of the Town Wall. <1>

Sources/Archives (2)

  • <1> LIST: Colchester Museums. 1977-1985. Colchester Museum Accession Register 1977-1985. COLEM 1977.180.
  • <2> Monograph: Crummy, Philip. 1981. CAR 1: Aspects of Anglo-Saxon and Norman Colchester. 1. p10.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Anglo-Saxon Inhumation outside north-east corner of town, Colchester (Element)

Record last edited

Feb 12 2016 10:21AM

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