Listed Building: BARN TO NORTH WEST OF BOXTED HALL (416156)

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Grade II
Volume/Map/Item 986, 3, 77
Date assigned 27 January 1982
Date last amended


BOXTED BURNT DICK HILL 1. 5214 Barn to north-west of TL 93 SE 3/77 Boxted Hall II GV 2. C18 barn, timber framed and black weatherboarded. Of 7 bays with 2 midstreys, both hipped, the main roof fly-hipped, all roofs clad with corrugated asbestos. Red brick Flemish-bond footings. Inside, no jowls, side-girts, primary bracing over girts, one per bay. Hanging-knees at both penultimate tie-beams, straight arch-braces to those each side of tile midstreys. Wagon doors opposite midstrey doors and beneath side-girts. Roof with lapped collars and side-purlins. Listing NGR: TL9946033220

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Grid reference TL 9945 3322 (point)
Map sheet TL93SE
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Record last edited

Nov 6 2019 4:47PM

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