Listed Building: HOLLY TREES (MUSEUM) (117018)

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Grade I
Volume/Map/Item 584, 5, 111
Date assigned 24 February 1950
Date last amended


1. HIGH STREET 995 (North Side) TL 9925 SE 5/111 Holly Trees (Museum) 24.2.50. I 2. A fine early C13 brick building, standing back from the road in its own grounds - now part of the Municipal Castle Park. Good ironwork railings with gate to the street. Built circa 1717-18, it was formerly the home of Charles Gray (1696-1783) MP for Colchester and owner of the Castle estate; he lived here over 60 years. The west wing was added in 1748, by James Deane. The main building is of 3 storeys and basement, red brick with rubbed brick dressings, parapet to front and rear elevations. Both elevations have a 5-window range of double hung sashes with glazing bars, segmental heads. The front has a fine central doorcase with flat hood, carved consoles. Fluted pilasters, semi-circular fanlight, 6-panel door, iron handrail to flight of steps to door. The west wing is of 3 storeys, but at a lower level, with cut brick rustications to the ground floor, 1st floor window with moulded brick pediment and architrave, Venetian window on garden elevation, brick bands. Many original interior features. Listing NGR: TL9996025268

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Grid reference TL 9995 2526 (point)
Map sheet TL92NE

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Record last edited

Nov 6 2019 4:47PM

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